AAHSL/NNLM Professional Coaching for Aspiring Mid-Level Managers: Pilot ProgramPlease join the AAHSL Future Leadership Committee in congratulating the following individuals accepted into the AAHSL/NNLM Professional Coaching for Aspiring Mid-Level Managers: Pilot Program. This program runs through March 2025.
Through this developmental coaching program, participants will be able to engage in six one-hour virtual, one-on-one, confidential coaching sessions with a certified coach. Each participant will complete a tailored development assessment instrument based on their learning goals. Instrument options include: DiSC, Myers-Briggs, EQi-2.0 (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), Clifton Strengths, or the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). The assessments are to help participants learn more about themselves and their leadership skills and identify areas for growth. Additionally, participants are encouraged to join in five 90-minute peer coaching group sessions. The peer coaching sessions are intended to build leadership skills in real time including active listening, accurately defining problems, coaching, systems thinking, giving and receiving feedback, and more. These group sessions will help develop a strong network among the participants and address isolation and limiting beliefs through learning about colleagues’ real-time challenges. All coaching sessions are confidential. Information exchanged between participants and coaches will not be shared with the AAHSL Future Leadership Committee. After an RFP was released and submissions were reviewed and evaluated, the work for the coaching pilot was awarded to Culture Cultivation. The program is supported by funding from Region 1 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine. |