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Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) Full members with voting privileges are academic health sciences libraries whose medical schools hold Member or Associate member status in the Association of American Medical Colleges or American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. Additional membership categories, described below, include Associate Members, New Medical School Members, and Developing Medical School Members. 

Membership Level Annual Dues
US Full $2,400
Canadian Full
Associate $900
New Medical School $500
Developing Medical School $0

 Membership Dues are voluntary and non-refundable. 

If you intend to pay by credit card, please email the AAHSL Office at [email protected] for a direct link to the invoice to process your payment. You may also call the AAHSL Office at (206) 209-5261 to process your payment over the phone.

If you are paying by check, please be sure to note the invoice number on the check memo.

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Renew Your Membership

Have you received an email saying that you are in your renewal period?  Then it's time to renew your AAHSL membership! If you haven't received a renewal period email, then hold tight! We want you to get your money's worth out of your annual membership, so we don't want to you to renew it too soon!

Renew Your Membership

Should you have any questions or concerns about your renewal invoice, please contact the AAHSL Office at (206) 209-5261 or [email protected]

Member Benefits


Are you a member and want to add a colleague to the AAHSL-All listserv? No member registration or dues are required. Email [email protected] to let us know of your request and include the following information: first/last name, email address, school, library, work address, work phone number, title/position. Requests will be processed within three days of receipt.

Full Membership (US & Canadian)

There are two ways to be eligible for a Full membership:
  1. Libraries at this level have attained full LCME or COCA accreditation. 
  2. Libraries at this level have sought LCME or COCA accreditation and are in Provisional status (charter classes in year three or four). 


    • Subscription to the Directors-Only listserv
    • Subscription to the General Member listserv
    • Full participation and access to the Annual Statistics online portal
    • Invitation to the AAHSL Annual Meeting (held in conjunction with AAMC), including one free registration
    • Voting rights
    • Eligible to become an AAHSL board member, committee chair, organization liaison, etc.
    • Eligible to participate on AAHSL committees and task forces

Associate Membership

There are two ways to be eligible for an Associate membership:

  1. Libraries at this level have sought LCME or COCA accreditation and are in Preliminary status (enrolling first charter class). Generally, a library may maintain this level for two years (or four if denied Provisional status by LCME or COCA) before moving up to a Full membership.
  2. The library is not LCME- or COCA-affiliated, for example, organizations interested in AAHSL's mission.


    • Subscription to the Directors-Only listserv
    • Subscription to the General Member listserv
    • Full participation and access to the Annual Statistics online portal
    • Invitation to the AAHSL Annual Meeting (held in conjunction with AAMC), including one free registration
    • Eligible to participate on AAHSL committees and task forces

New Medical School Membership

Libraries at this level have sought LCME or COCA accreditation and are in Applicant or Candidate status. Generally, a library may maintain this level for about three years (unless otherwise directed by LCME or COCA) before moving up to an Associate membership.

    • Subscription to New Health Sciences Libraries listserv
    • Subscription to the Directors-Only listserv
    • Subscription to the General Member listserv
    • Invitation to the AAHSL Annual Meeting (held in conjunction with AAMC), including one free registration
    • Access to the Annual Statistics online portal
    • Offer/assign a mentor from newer or long-term director pool
    • If not library director, AAHSL reaches out to non-library administrator regarding recruitment and LCME or COCA preparation

Developing Medical School Membership

Libraries at this level have NOT yet sought LCME or COCA accreditation but would like access to AAHSL's resources. Generally, a library may maintain this level for one to three years before moving up to a New Medical School Library membership.


    • Subscription to the New Health Sciences Libraries listserv
    • Subscription to the Directors-Only listserv
    • Subscription to the General Member listserv
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